Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Racism - still alive and well :-(

Today I was in Austin, and when I finished work, I decided to get a haircut while I was still down there so I could allow some of the traffic to thin out. I stopped at a haircut salon I used to go to while I lived there and put my name on the list for the first available individual.

After several minutes, and several customers being called, a handsome middle-eastern barber called the man who's name was on the list right above mine. The man was seated near me, and suddenly he announced he had "forgotten I have to be somewhere." Then, as he walked out the door, he turned to me and said "there's no way I'm letting a terrorist cut MY hair".

Well thank GOD the barber didn't hear the comment! He just said something about "I wonder why he sat there so long before he realized he had to be somewhere?". But I'm sure based on the man's reaction and the fact my bottom jaw was on the floor for a good ten minutes, he had to have figured it out.

I felt so bad for him. He was a really nice guy, making an honest living, and doing a good job cutting hair (at least he did a good job with mine), and some closed minded person treats him like that because his ancestry, which he has no control over, happens to be different.

I wish I could have been quick minded enough to say something to the racist jerk. Unfortunately, the shock of the moment left me completely speechless so I didn't get to tell him what I thought about his feelings of having a "terrorist cut his hair."

Racism and hatred suck.

A Very Direct Attack on my Vanity!

This past weekend saw the annual pilgramage of one of my best friends from college and I going to Lubbock to catch a Tech football game. Who knew that when we flew out Saturday morning that the day could turn into such a tragedy for my fragile ego?!?!

First, in order to understand why this might have happened, it is important for me to note that this game was the official "Family Day" football game for the year. We did not know that at the time we made the decision to attend the game.

Upon leaving the hotel to head to the stadium, two women joined us in the elevator. We made typical small talk in the elevator while riding down, when one of the women asked us if we had children attending Tech. Now excuse me - I am 31!! To have an 18 year old freshman, I would have had to father the thing at the age of 13. Now granted, that IS biologically possible, but let me assure everyone that if I HAD fathered a child at age 13 (and yes - we know there are many reasons that couldn't have happened) I would still be grounded by my parents at the age of 31 and not be allowed to attend any Tech football games.

Therefore, I can only assume that the woman must have figured I am older than 31. A LOT older than 31. Now I know that I am not exactly a Backstreet Boy-esque young guy (and yes - that certainly ages me), but seriously - old enough to have a kid in college?

Well, little does this woman know how close she came to death in that elevator! Lucky for her the shock of even being asked had not worn off by the time the elevator reached the lobby. The anger set in somewhere in the parking lot on the way to the car, and she had managed to escape by then.

So now the question for my friends - do I really look so old and tired that I look like I could have a kid in college? And yes - this post is a desperate attempt to get compliments, so send them! ;-)